Quality, Environment and Occupational Health Policy
Bokaro Power Supply Co. (P) Ltd. will strive to enhance the satisfaction of our customer through continual improvement in our process, product, and services by providing safe, healthy, & pollution free work environment
Guiding Principles
- Quality improvement, Environment protection, and work place safety are our prime responsibilities.
- Adoption of internationally recognized QMS, EMS, and OHSAS standards.
- Employee’s involvement and their development are integral part of all our improvement process.
- Prevention of pollution by minimizing generation of process wastes, maximizing recycling, adopting economically viable, clean and energy efficient technologies and increasing greenery.
- Prevention of accident, injury, and ill health of employees/contractual employees by enhancing awareness on health and safety and through risk control measures.
- Respect for human rights of employees/contractual employees and adoption of socially accountable measures.
- To work for socio-economic development of inhabitants of the surrounding areas.
- Periodic review, wide communication, and public display of this policy
Environment Management, Occupational Health and Safety Systems
BPSCL is committed to provide and maintain safe and healthy working areas for all concerned and has gone for adoption of the best international practices on environment, safety and occupational health areas. BPSCL has pursued the Environmental Management System (EMS) ISO 14001 and the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment System OHSAS 18001 at its power plant and has been duly certified for ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 by reputed national certifying agencies.
QMS, EMS and OHSAS certificates of BPSCL.
- Compliance Report of CTO – 2023-24
- E – Waste Mgt & Handling Report 2021-22
- Crep Compliance Report – 2023-24
- Environment Clearance Compliance 2023-24
- Environment Statement – 2023-24
- Hazardous Manifest – 2023-24
- Environmental Clearance of Unit #9
- Ambient Air Quality Report
- EC Half Yearly Compliance Report.
Initiatives taken for Healthy Environment
a. Development of Garden inside Power Plant Premises.

b. Dry Fog Dust Suppression System in Tippler and Conveyors of Coal Handling Plant.

c. Plantation on ash mounds with provision of water sprinkler

d. Manufacturing of Fly ash bricks for effective utilization of fly ash.

e. Laying of Water lines with sprinklers alongside roads and Coal Handling Plant to reduce suspended dust particles in atmosphere.

f. Plantation in nearby villages under CSR activities.

g. Installation of Solar Power on GM Building & Canteen Building.

h. Plantation on World Environment Day 5th June 2017.